County Waterford is known to its natives as “The Decies” (An Déise). The westernmost of the of county’s baronies are “Decies within Drum” and “Decies without Drum”, separated by the Drum-Fineen hills.
(Motto: “Deise with Declan for Ever”)
County Waterford History
A tribe of Gaelic people called the Déisi were driven from the southwest and settled locally some time between the C4th and C8th AD.
(More soon!)
The current Roman Catholic Diocese of Waterford and Lismore is today roughly coterminous with the ancient territory of the Déise, as was the former Church of Ireland Diocese of the same name, now part of the Anglican Diocese of Cashel & Ossory.
County Waterford measures 1837km / 709mi in area, and is the smallest county in the Province of Munster in size and population. It is the 21st largest county in Ireland in terms of size, and the 20th in terms of population.
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