Galway Bay

Galway Bay is the name of two sentimental songs, one written by Francis A. Fahy (b. 1850), and the other written in 1947 by Dr. Arthur Colahan and made famous by singers such as Bing Crosby

The air of the first is My Irish Molly, O.  It begins:

It’s far away I am today

From scenes I roamed a boy

And long ago the hour, I know

I first saw Illinois

But Time nor Tide, not waters wide,

Can wean my heart away

For ever true it flies to you

My own dear Galway Bay

The 1947 version is the best known. It begins:

If you ever go

Across the sea to Ireland,

Then maybe at the

Closing of your day,

You will sit and watch

The moon rise over Cladagh

And see the sun

Go down on Galway Bay

A Satirical version begins:

Maybe someday I’ll go back again to Ireland,

If only my ex-wife would pass away,

Sure, she has me poor heart broke with

all her naggin’

And she has a mouth as big as Galway Bay.

See her drinking sixteen pints of Arthur Guiness,

And when the barman says, “It’s time to go.”,

Sure, she wouldn’t answer him in Gaelic,

But in a language that the clergy do not know.

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